
Your donations will directly help us in achieving our vision of family to family support. No amount is too small, and any amount is greatly appreciated! Your donations will be used in some of the following ways:

Provide information packets to local obstetrics and perinatology offices, as well as neonatal intensive care units.

Provide welcome packets to newly diagnosed families.

Honor individual heart warriors with a personalized card on their “Happy Heart Days”.

Provide treats and supplies to area cardiac centers and family support hospital rooms.

Support families anticipating cardiac surgery with travel necessity bags.

Contribute to pediatric cardiac research studies.

And hopefully so much more!

Our donate button takes you to a secure PayPal page where you can choose to give a one-time or recurring donation using PayPal or a Credit Card.


Our Story
About CHD
Heart Day
News & Events

Jack of Hearts-PA, Inc. is a

501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Family to Family  ♥  Heart to Heart