About CHD

What is a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD)?
A Congenital Heart Defect or CHD refers to when a child who is born with an abnormally structured heart. These hearts may have missing or incomplete parts, some kind of malformation, holes in between the heart chambers, narrow vessels, and/or narrow or leaky valves. Depending on the type of CHD, some will pose only a small threat to the child’s health while others may require immediate diagnostic testing and surgery.
We’re pleased to share with you some local success stories of children in Northeastern Pennsylvania who were born with CHD and who are now thriving. To learn more about any particular CHD, click the name of the CHD listed in red below each child’s name.

Jack, Age 10
Tetralogy of Fallot
After being diagnosed prenatally, and being born prematurely along with his twin brother Nathan, Jack underwent open heart surgery at just 3 months old. Today, he excels in school, takes piano lessons, loves baseball and basketball, and is the inspiration for Jack of Hearts-PA, Inc.
Vayda, Age 6
Tetralogy of Fallot
Vayda has had one open-heart surgery at CHOP at 5 months old. She currently has annual checkups, is in kindergarten, and loves ballet, tap and gymnastics classes!

Mackenna, Age 15
Tricuspid Atresia
Coarctation of the Aorta
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Mackenna had 3 open heart surgeries all before 3 years old. Today, she is an active teenager, who does well in high school and loves being with her many friends.
Eli, Age 9 months
Tetralogy of Fallot Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
When Eli was born, we thought he was a perfectly healthy baby boy. At four days old his pediatrician heard a murmur and immediately scheduled an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist. It was then that we found out Eli had Tetralogy of Fallot and would inevitably need open heart surgery, which he underwent at CHOP at 8 weeks old. Today Eli is a happy, healthy, very chubby little boy (whose nickname is Mr. Fatpants). He is lazy and spoiled and plays us all, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Dylan, Age 4
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD)
Dylan was diagnosed with CHD at about 1 month old after being born 6 weeks premature. He received an ASD/VSD Closure at 3 months of age at the Janet Weiss children’s hospital in Danville, PA. Dylan is a pre-k student who enjoys playing outside, painting, and anything that has to do with trains.
Matthew, Age 6
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
Three Open heart surgeries at 6 days old, 3 months old, and 2.5 years old. 15 cardiac characterizations, gastric tube surgery. Matthew loves to play outside and ride his bike. He is full of life and loves adventure. He likes to listen to Dr. Stapleton and play air guitar! He is in Kindergarten and is excited for summer vacation!

Caylee, Age 9
Transposition of the Great Vessels
Caylee was prenatally diagnosed with her heart defect, and so was delivered out of town at Geisinger Danville. She was supposed to have her corrective surgery soon after birth, but got a fever and had to wait another week. While in surgery they hit a nerve that collapsed her right diaphram. She had surgery on her right side and lung. Due to all of the complications we were actually in Danville 2 months instead of the anticipated 2 weeks! She had feeding issues and additional procedures, and came home with oxygen, a heart monitor and medicine. She had stents put in at ages 3 and 6, and they will need to be redone as she grows. But she’s doing good now! She just takes a baby aspirin once a day, plays basketball and softball, and can participate in everything.
Bradley, Age 1
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Anthony, Age 10
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Anthony takes ballet, tap and jazz and loves video games!
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